Chiropractic "Functional" Neurology or Brain Based Chiropractic
Brain Based Chiropractic is somewhat of a misnomer. This is due to the fact that Chiropractic has always been "brain based". Since the inception of Chiropractic in 1895, the primary premise has been that all bodily functions are under the direct control of the brain; therefore, if the brain and entire nervous system can function optimally, then, and only then, can health be optimized. Over the years this grand concept has been lost by many who have allowed Chiropractic to be relegated to a spinal "back and neck pain" model. This is understandable because for almost one hundred years Chiropractors have worked primarily on the spine to influence the nervous system most directly. Over the past few decades it has become very apparent that the Chiropractic adjustment does indeed directly influence the nervous system but, most importantly, the brain itself. The brain cannot give proper control to an area of the body if it does not receive proper input, especially from that area. When a Chiropractic adjustment is given, the local nerve receptors are stimulated. These receptors send a signal to the spinal cord and then up to the brain where the information is processed. The brain can then give an appropriate response to restore health to that area. Functional Neurology is now the accepted and more accurate term. Chiropractic Functional Neurology or Brain Based Chiropractic is the small segment (about two or three percent) of Chiropractic that embraces this concept and makes interventions and adjustments accordingly. Instead of adjusting the spine or other area because of symptoms, restrictions, etc., the treatment is directed toward that area of the body that will enable the brain to respond with better control - of the entire body and of the area which is expressing symptoms as well. This allows the Functional Neurology Chiropractor to address much more effectively many problems which have in the past been very difficult. It is sometimes truly amazing what can be accomplished. International Association of Chiropractic Neurologists: Functional Annalysis Chiropractic Technique:
What Is Brain Based Chiropractic? Brain Based Chiropractic or Chiropractic Neurology is a part of the chiropractic field that evaluates the neurological condition of a patient with a focus on brain function and treats that patient using non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical therapies. Examination and assessment are similar to that of medical neurologists, however treatment modalities differ greatly. Brain Based Chiropractic uses specific therapeutic activaties and chiropractic adjustments for brain focused rehabilitation of neurological conditions.
Why Brain Based Chiropractic? A Brain Based Chiropractic focus is much more in depth than the traditional chiropractic we have used in the past, but we are committed to working hard and doing our best to help the people of our area reach their maximum health potential. This gives us a fresh approach to treating many conditions such as: Spinal Stenosis, Bulging/Herniated discs, Migraines, Chronic Pain Syndromes, Balance Disorders, Numbness, Dizziness/Vertigo, Fibromyalgia, and many others.
How is Brain Based Chiropractic different from medical neurology? The main difference is in the treatment and therapy "tools." Medical doctors often utilize pharmaceutical and surgical intervention and management. Brain Based Chiropractic is focused on brain-based physical rehabilitation specifically targeting dysfunctional areas of the brain and nervous system. Because therapies are specifically tailored to each individual's daily neurological function, it is impossible to "mass produce" this care. Every patient is seen by the doctor himself, every visit.